New Vision Charter School offers many exciting opportunities to partner with our community to enhance our programming to meet our mission to challenge, encourage, and empower students every day to persevere on their journey to be lifelong learners.
If you choose to be a New Vision Charter School Sponsor, you may designate what your money goes to in the sponsorship opportunities or you may choose to allow the school to choose where to use the money in the greatest needs of the current sponsorship opportunities.
Current Sponsorship Opportunities
4-8 House Hoodies - These hoodies are used to recognize students in the house system for demonstrating excellent character and school spirit. The House System is a dynamic, exciting, and proven way to create a positive climate and culture for students and staff.
K-3 Golden Feather - The Golden Feather award is used to recognize students every quarter for going above and beyond in excellence in character. These students are recognized with a shirt, luncheon, and recognition at monthly school assemblies.
PBIS Rewards School Store - PBIS is our behavior support system that recognizes students for doing the right thing. Students are recognized with crests and then have the opportunity to spend their crests in the school store.
Math Whiz Kid - We are passionate about students leaving 3rd grade with foundational skills to help them be successful in the rest of their schooling and beyond. When students have automaticity and fluency in math facts, they are more likely to be successful in math. Math Whiz Kid challenges and recognizes students who have memorized their math facts. Students receive a lanyard and brag tags for different levels of achievement.
Accelerated Reader - When students are excited about reading they will read more and become leaders. We are launching Accelerated Reader (AR) to K-3 students. Students have the opportunity to earn points on books read and comprehension tests taken. Students will earn rewards from pencils, to library cards, stickers, medals, trophies, and more! Readers are leaders and New Vision Charter School.
Character Counts Awards - Strong character building in our school is a cornerstone to what we do. We celebrate students monthly who demonstrate outstanding character.
Athletics and Activities - Athletics and activities are a vital part of New Vision. This sponsorship could be used for sports equipment, jerseys, entry fees, travel cost, activity sponsorship, etc.
General Sponsorship - A general sponsorship is a donation that could be used for general needs.